The Power of the Dog (and connecting with nature)
Written by: Alicia Foley
By the end of this month I will have been outside everyday for a year. For many people this might not seem like a big deal but for me it feels like a real accomplishment. In 2021 my mental health took a dive to a dark place and for a long time I didn’t venture beyond my bed, let alone the front door. The journey to recovery was a long one with medication and over 18 months of counselling along with big decisions about how I would look after my wellbeing into the future.
Whilst this time last year I was much better there was still something missing and then Stanley came to be a part of our family.

Stanley is a beautiful cross breed who is as cute as a cuddly teddy bear. Little did I know when he arrived the power he would bring to help me back into the outdoors and to find my connection to the world of nature around me.
At first this was just in the backyard or the garden as he was too young to be walked but we could tell that he was eager to explore the wider world so once all of his vaccinations were in place we were off. Starting with short walks in the local park as he quickly got tired (as did I) we both built our stamina to walk further and explore new places.
It is only now, after almost a year of being outdoors, that I can fully appreciate the positive difference that being outside with nature has made to my mental health. Even on the days when I would once again easily retreat from the world Stanley is spurring me on. He talks to me in low grumbles until he sees my shoes and his harness coming out then waits at the front door; always ready to have another adventure.
Each day brings him new smells, sights and experiences. Each day, even though I may pass along the same route, the outside world is different. Every walk raises my heart rate, helps me to increase the feel good chemicals and hormones and stretches stiff joints and muscles. I am no longer filled with dread at the sight on an incline and feel more energy with each passing day.
I see and feel every different weather. I observe how the trees, grasses and flowers grow and change through the seasons, watch the streams and rivers rise and fall, notice the patterns of the clouds and hear the birds sing and the deer call.

All of these things make me feel happier; give me a sense of calm in a sometimes confusing and muddled world. Just today I saw a newly hatched set of seven goslings taking their first swim with their parents, enjoyed the white flowers and the scent of the wild garlic and tracked the journey of an orange tip butterfly over the lengthening grass. For all these small joys and the chance to be present with nature I thank the power of the dog – Stanley.
Thank you Stanley for all that you have done to raise my levels of happiness by taking me back out to enjoy our Outdoor Town.