Footpath Management

Wednesday the 26th marked the first session of friends of Clifton Wood.
Helen and I started by widening the paths through the small woodland. Over the years they had become completely overgrown and, in some areas, made it impossible for anyone to walk through. Helen and I first removed overreaching branches that encroached into the pathway. Then, we cut back weeds, nettles and brambles. We increased the width of the path so that anyone were able to walk through it safely without being stung or scratched.
Brendon, a new volunteer, joined us and helped us with these activities, to finish up the session both Helen and Brendon litter picked the site.

Val, Pete and I decided to continue barking out paths within Scott Park. I showed Val where and how I would like the bark to be placed whilst Pete and I regularly collected bark via the wheelbarrow and ferried it up to her. We had the path complete by roughly 11:15. The friend’s group had put on a fun day in the park the previous day. The volunteers were quite tired as this was an all-day affair. After barking the path in the park the following day, I let the volunteers go as I was quite sure that they were still very tired from the previous day.  

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