Friends of Ightenhill Park

Autumnal tree

The friends of Ightenhill were undertaking some memorial tree maintenance today.
I assisted by removing a 2×2 foot square of grass top from around the tree, Then dug down a few inches to remove a small amount of the top soil. Whilst removing some of the top soil I levelled off the areas, removed the stakes that had held the tree in place for many years, and also edged off the area with a half moon. I did this for four of their memorial trees. They returned quite happy with the work I had completed for them. I then met with playground team and parks officer to discuss possibilities for play equipment repair. The volunteers continued work on the Memorial trees, they laid mesh netting over the exposed soil area to prevent weeds from growing through. They then laid woodchip above the netting within the square boundaries which hid the netting whilst adding a lovely contrast to the grass.

Friends of Ightenhill Park. 

I joined Kath and Irelene in the vegatable garden for the first time. We prepared soil for vegetables, pruning dead leaves, and rotating vegetables around the polytunnel. I then went to help Ian and David move soil that was left over from filling the planters. We moved soil from the ton bags to a designated soil bay within the compound. We also helped Kath and Irelene by taking soil to the potato plot to help mound up the potato’s around the stems.  As potato’s grow, they need soil to be mound up around the plant, to encourage more spud growth!

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