Friends of Thompson and Queens Park

The CAF funded Green Activity Coordinator is working in collaboration with Joel from East Lancashire Wildlife Trust. The aim is to deliver sessions that provide a range of work within the green spaces sector. This includes work such as park maintenance, arborist based activities, ecology, tree planting and many more.
Today we embarked upon a task to complete a little fence painting on behalf of the Burnley Borough Council. Within five hours, Joel and I, and two volunteers manage to wire brush a section of fence and paint it green.

Photograph of an Italian Garden in a Local Park

After a long hiatus, the band was back together; Neil had finished invigilating, and Nixie joined us after a month off volunteering to tackle the Italian Gardens. The Italian Gardens had not been worked on since Neil and I had worked on them back in February. Nixie, Neil and I got stuck in weeding the Italian Garden beds. we pulled out Willowherb and Hairy Willowherb managing to tackle a vast amount of it across five beds in two short hours. In total we removed 5 wheel barrows worth!

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